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2 Year Vocational Training For Radiology Technicians

The majority of radiology technicians study for two years before beginning their careers. Junior colleges and community colleges are among the most common places for students to train. Only spending one year earning a certificate in radiology or two years earning an associate degree in radiology still means you are eligible to sit in on the licensing exam given by the state. This is as long as the school where you studied is JCERT accredited.

Because of the shorter length of time spent training, compared to those getting a four-year bachelor degree in radiology, the curriculum in a one or two-year program is geared entirely toward your future employment as a radiographer. That might help people who do not do as well when forced to learn things in the classroom that do not interest them as much.

One advantage of studying at a one or two-year program is joining the workforce earlier. Once you are employed, it might make sense to continue taking courses to earn a higher degree but in the meantime you will be gaining experience and making money. Radiographers with bachelor degrees tend to occupy more senior positions and move into management roles more easily. So a lot of the decision on if you should continue taking courses depends on your career goals.

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