For a registered nurse who is currently employed, receiving a baccalaureate degree is a great challenge. Juggling additional nursing education and a full-time load entails physical and mental stamina. A full-time job is the main reason why RNs with great potential turn away from BSN programs. It is a good thing that online RN-to-BSN programs are offered by nursing schools, colleges and universities to RNs wanting to have that cutting edge. It is estimated that only one-third of nurses have a BSN degree, so grabbing the chance of attaining a BSN as early as possible would definitely increase one’s chances of attaining administrative, management and supervisory positions.
Online RN-to BSN courses offer more advantages than traditional or campus-based classes. Because these programs allow registered nurses to pace their workload and set their schedules, maintaining a full-time job is possible. RNs are ensured with constant inflow of cash to support their daily needs as they obtain additional nursing education. Because one may attend classes at his or her convenience, an RN does not have to stick to a rigid schedule, which often causes conflicts at work or unfulfilled family obligations. RN-to-BSN online programs are especially valuable for RNs wanting to spend more time at home and play an active role in their children’s lives.
Having the freedom to pace their coursework, registered nurses are able to focus and give more time to understand topics which they find more challenging than the others. With greater understanding, online RN-to-BSN programs can significantly improve one’s overall knowledge and skills. Many are concerned regarding the quality of education offered by RN-to-BSN online programs. It can be assuring to know that many online programs are accredited by the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission, or NLNAC, and the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, or CCNE. These programs are just as high in quality as those offered in campuses.
Online RN-to-BSN programs have features that prevent registered nurses from losing their track. Video conferencing, one-on-one discussions, video streaming and other materials available online ensure that RNs are able to obtain assistance whenever and wherever they need it. Online classes are supervised by highly qualified and experienced faculty of registered nurses.
Online RN-to-BSN programs can be more costly than traditional classes; however, being able to receive a high quality of education at home can cut down the commuting expenses. These programs can save the time spent in traffic jams and travelling to and from the school. Instead of commuting, RNs may use the saved time for study.
A typical RN-to-BSN online program requires aspiring BSN graduates to complete a specific number of hours in actual work settings, such as in physician offices, hospitals, long-term facilities and nursing homes. Enrollees are usually assigned to facilities in their local areas. Practicum courses allow nurses to improve the skills needed in performing nursing procedures and actions. They are trained to develop critical thinking, decision-making and management skills.